07714 590948 sandy@pa-togo.com

Summer break

The last few weeks we have been taking time to reflect on the past 6 months and preparing our future strategy, there were lots of new ideas coming out at the brainstorming session we had last week.  We have a list of events we are attending in the coming months...

Autumn 2018 Blog

The last two weeks have been busy, here is a taster of what we did. We were holding the fort @grangesideworkspace for 4 days – definitely worth checking out if you are looking for new office space, it has been refurbished and has a great feel to it; working with a...

Beautiful Autumn

We have had a beautiful start to the autumn and spent some time during the last few weeks with our clients discussing what the plans are for the next 12 months, we have some exciting projects we will be working on. We have also been doing some networking, it is key to...

Our week in the heat

It’s been a hot week for everyone, including here at PA To Go HQ. In between the water and sunshine breaks we have been to Hartham Park for a business networking breakfast, great networking, meeting new people and connecting others, as well as a delicious...

Swindon and Wiltshire LEP Growth Deal results

Today Swindon and Wiltshire Local Enterprise Partnership (SWLEP) has announced the results from its Growth Deal bid – a £129.1 million investment in Swindon and Wiltshire during the next 2 years.  It’s been a huge effort and its great working with such a...